segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013


We arived at december...

The end of the year...

This year was very important for me. I have a great work, i was promoted, my realationship with my boyfriend is great :) I saw my friends frequently and stayed with my Family a lot.

Soo this mounth i have a lot of activities... secrets friends and a lot of presents.

quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013

18 and 19


Yesterday It was my sister-in-law's mother birthday. We went to a Ponteio restaurant. It was a great noght. I arrrived early and stayed alone for awhile, afther that I ate sushi, meat... Regarding the food It was delicious. This way we had a great time. Around 10 p.m. I came back home.


Today It is my second day on the running... I ran 35 minutes.

10 minutes - Light
10 minutes - Medium
1 minute - Medium and 30 seconds Very hard - four times
10 minutes light

terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2013

Training - Running


Today I started a training - running to lose weight.

I will run for 2 month.

Today I run for 40 minutes... It was very tired... Next time is on Thursday.
I intend for a long time, lose 7 Kg. It's so difficult because I love eat.

terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013

I did my account in "wespeak".

I made the lessons 1 and 2 yesterday... It's a great website with many exercises.

I recommend this.

EFCELT Express

Yesterday I did a test of English.

My result was 40% Basic. :(

In three months I'll do it again!!!!

segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013

Top 10 sites

1. – rede social que promove a interação entre alunos e nativos em inglês.


2. – tem como foco a associação de palavras à produtos do nosso dia-a-dia, assim como dicas e curiosidades.


3. – tem de tudo um pouco, podcasts, exercícios, gramática. Etc. Site muito indicado para alunos auto-didatas.


4.    aprenda inglês (britânico) com palavras destacadas com a explicação do significado.


5. – homepage oficial da universidade de Iowa nos EUA, ele é recomendado para quem quer aperfeiçoar a pronúncia do Inglês (americano) através do IPA (Internatioinal Phonetic Alphabet) .


6. – múltiplos dicionários num único lugar.


7. – mais de 800 áudios para alunos e professores de inglês em diferentes níveis de proficiência.


8. – dicionário para quem quer aprender gírias.


9. – contém lista de expressões idiomáticas, ou seja, que tem sentido figurado (geralmente não possuem tradução literal ou não tem equivalentes em português).


10. – site incrível com vídeos que promovem o desenvolvimento da audição, da pronúncia e do vocabulário em inglês. Você pode acessar com a sua senha do facebook.

Movie: In time (O preço do amanhã)

It’s a interesting movie. The movie is about life and money. It’s in a society without money, money is time. It’s difficult to explain, but I will try. When you work you don’t receive money, you have a chip and you receive time to live. When the person complete 25 years, the person stop to get old and active your chip and win hours from the faily or with work. In resume when you are a millionaire you have more time in the life.  

World from Gloss

Design Project

                The idea is for short apartments. It is a coach for three and a table for six. In this coach there is a cover, the idea is close the cover and put the seats with the pads from coach.


Green outdoors

                Is a project from the design Stephen Glassman. He intends to put trees in the outdoors. More gardens and less announcement.



                The pencil is finished, plant born beans. Inside the pencils there are seends. After writing very just put the pencil in the land.

sábado, 20 de julho de 2013

My plan in this second week - Grammar Present Perfect

My plan in this second week is:

1.       Grammar: Unit 18, 19, and 20 (Present Perfect)

2.       Use there have been…

3.       Write a story whit the grammar from last session. ( Used to / Plural forms / There is There are)

4.       Edit my blog

In these days I have been studying the grammar… I had so many doubt in present perfect.

1.       Grammar: Unit 18, 19, and 20 (Present Perfect)

17/07 – Unit 18


·         Have tou been to France?

·         I have been to Canada, bur I haven’t been to the Unites States

·         She has had many different jobs and has lived in many places

·         I’ve seen that woman before

·         Have you read this book?

With “Ever”

·         Has Ann ever been to Australian?

·         Have you ever played golf?

·         My sister has never travelled by plane

·         I have never ridden a horse

Gone X Been

Gone – Ainda está lá

Been – Já voltou

I can’t find Susan. Where has she gone?

Hello Susan. Where have you been?


18.5 – Translate to English

1. Have you ever visited the museum?

2. I have worked from three companies in Spain

3. My brother has never been in London

4. I have studied Italian, but I have never studied German

5. Have you travelled by boat?

6. Have you ever been in the United States?

7. Ana e Francisco have gone in Frech

8. Where has Lusi gone? Nobody has seen him.


Unit 19 – How long have you…?



1. Patricia has lived in SP since 2004.

2. How long has Liz been a teacher?

3. I have played the guitar for 20 years.

4. How long have you had this car? I have had it for 4 years

5. Sue is in Spain. She has been there since april

6. Has Sara worked in Miami for a long time? Tes. She’s worked there since 1998

7. The car is in the garage. It’s been there for a week

8. How long has it been raining? It’s raining for 3 days.


Unit 20 – For – since – ago


1.       I have studied English for 3 years.  

2.       Tom went out 2 hours ago.

3.       I’ve had a headache since I got up this morning.

4.       The filme starded 10 minutes ago

5.       My mother has been married since January.

6.       When did you by this car? Two months ago.

7.       Sonia has worked in this office for 5 ears.






sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013

Plural - Written 11/07/2013

Generally just + S

Or... As nouns ending in:

-          S / - Sh / - Ch / - X -> + es

-          Y -> ies

-          Ay / - Ey / - Oy -> Ys

-          F / -Fe -> Ves


Some nouns are irregular:


Man: Men

Woman: Women

Child: Children

Foot: Feet

Tooth: Teeth

Mouse: Mice

Sheep: Sheep

Fish: Fish



1.       In this shop can buy flowers and plants.

2.       How many people were there in the restaurant?

3.       The police are looking for the thieves.

4.       How many dictionaries are there on the shelves?

5.       These potatoes are very good, but these tomatoes are green.

6.       In this city there are a lot of churches.

7.       I like your clothes. Where did you buy then?

8.       I bought some trousers, two t-shits and some pyjamas.


quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2013

Lesson Plan / Grammar: Used to - Written: 09.07.2013

Yesterday I had my first class with my teacher, Marcos Santos .He is great! Very competent with his job.

He introduced me to S.W.O.T

S -   Strength

W – Weaknesses

O – Opportunities

T – Threats

We identified this method in me, is good because I will study with focus in the competences.

I have so many activities and development to do:

People Development:

-          After reading a book/article/magazine... Write a short summary (5 to 10 lines)

-          Do the same after listening to a song/watching a movie/having a conversation


Extra activities:

-          Talk with Ivens 3 times in the week

-          Talk with Mariana 1 time in the week

-          Help Kelly in her activities


For the next class:

1.       Practice/Rehearse the situations about work

2.       Study Grammar Book:

2.1   Used To: Unit 37

2.2   Plural on nouns - Unit 68

2.3   There is/There are - Units 38 and 39



Today I 'm studing Grammar: Used To, unit 37

We use the “used to” for talk about the past, but is about when you did something in the past and don’t do anymore.


1.       Dave used to work in a factory (Dave worked in a factory in the past but not work now.)

2.       I used to read a lot of books, but I don’t read much these days. (I read a lot of books in the past, but now I don’t read so much.)



segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2013

The secret Window

Yesterday I watched a movie with my boyfriend. The movie was: The secret window is a thriller based on the book that was written by Stephen King in 2004. Directed by David Koepp with Johnny Deep.

Mort (Johnny Depp) is a successful writer that is in crisis, with a personal conflict after the end of your married, Amy. Mort stay alone in a house close to the river Tashmore. He can’t write anymore and is resting at house. One day a man appears, Jonh Shoother, and he accuses Mort of plagiarism.

Is a great movie. Very curious and wonderful history.    


Today I will have my first class with a particular teacher. After that I will talk about my lesson plan.


See you.
"I'm sure that in time, every bit of it will be gone and her death will be a mystery ... even to me."

sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2013

Pocket Book, Carmilla

Yesterday at night I read the pocket book, Carmila. Is about a girl, she lives in a castle with her father and two women. One day, when she was a child she had a bad dream. And until now she think about this dream. She is a lonely girl, doesn’t have many friends. Had one interested fact: She will meet one girl, but this girls died. His father talked about a monsters, she believed in this.


Yesterday I just did this. Today I intend watch a movie or serie… I don’t know because today is Friday.


Ontem a noite eu li um livro de bolso, Carmila. É sobre uma garota, ela vive em um castelo com o seu pai e sua mãe. Um dia, quando ela era uma criança ela teve um sonho ruim. E até hoje ela pensa sobre esse sonho. Ele é uma garota solitária, não tem muitos amigos. Teve um fato interessante: Ela ia conhecer uma garota, mas essa garota morreu. Seu pai falou sobre um monstro, ela acreditou nisso.


Ontem eu fiz somente isso. Hoje eu pretendo assistir um filme ou uma série... Eu não sei porque hoje é sexta-feira.

quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2013

First Post

This is my first post. My objectives with this blog is practices my English.
I will post about English, movies, series, music… and everything in English with translate.
In this month, I’m watching Prison Break (with audio and lyrics in English, is difficult for me but I’m trying)  and reading pocket books (Now I’m reading Carmilla – Peguin Readers – Level 3).

About class: I will study with a particular teacher, Marcos Santos, every Monday.

See you.

Ps. I have Carmilla – Peguin Readers – Level 3, if you  want I can send for you.


Este é meu primeiro post. Meus objetivos com este blog é praticar o meu Inglês.
Vou postar sobre Inglês, filmes, séries, música ... e tudo em Inglês com tradução.
Neste mês, estou assistindo Prison Break (com áudio e letras em Inglês, é difícil para mim, mas estou tentando) e leitura de livros de bolso (Agora eu estou lendo Carmilla - Peguin Readers - Nível 3).
Aulas: Vou estudar com um professor particular, Marcos Santos, toda segunda-feira.

Até mais.

Ps. Tenho Carmilla - Peguin Readers - Nível 3, se você quiser eu posso enviar
para você.